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Municipality of Wawa 2022 Proposed Budget Available For Input

Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 01:25 PM


The Municipality of Wawa invites residents and property owners to provide comments and input into the Draft 2022 Operating Budget. The Draft proposes a 2.75% tax levy increase.
A summary of the proposed budget presentations which includes both Operating and Capital may be viewed at:

2022 Operating Budget

2022 Capital Budget

A recording of the Operating Budget presentation to Council on February 15, 2022, may be viewed on the Municipality...

Press Release - Municipality of Wawa 2022 Proposed Budget Available For Input

Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 01:24 PM

News Release: February 16, 2022

The Municipality of Wawa invites residents and property owners to provide comments and input into the Draft 2022 Operating Budget.

For the first time, the budget process this year was expanded to include the development of a multi-year budget covering forecasts for 2022 through 2025. By expanding the budget to cover the next four years, it provides Council with a blueprint for spending over multiple years, so financial planning can take place in advance. The multi-year...

Employment Opportunity - Wawa Tourism Coordinator

Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 11:46 AM

Wawa Tourism Coordinator - Competition 2022-03

Contract Position from April to November 2022
Wage: $27-$30 per hour, 35 hours per week

The Municipality of Wawa seeks a self-motivated, flexible tourism leader to provide a top of the class visitor experience as the Wawa Tourism Coordinator. Under the supervision of the Director of Community Services and Tourism, the successful candidate will assist to position Wawa as a key travel destination through the successful management of the Wawa Tourist Information...

Let's Celebrate Ontario's Nonprofits!

Posted on Monday, February 14, 2022 11:41 AM

We celebrate the diversity of Ontario's nonprofit sector, from mental health support, seniors’ services, homeless shelters, crisis lines, skills development, immigrant support, specialized help for children, and family support services to programs that promote arts and culture, environmental sustainability, and recreation. 

Read More on Bill 9. 

Cooking and Alcohol - A Dangerous Mix

Posted on Monday, February 14, 2022 11:30 AM