Short-Term Rental
Short-Term Rental Accommodation Licensing
A “Short-Term Rental” (STR) is defined as any rental accommodation provided for 29 days or less, in the Municipality of Wawa. These STRs require a license to advertise and operate.
The Wawa Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STR) Licensing By-law was passed at a Regular Meeting of Council on April 16, 2024. Effective this date, all persons who own, operate or offer a STR within the Municipality of Wawa must obtain a license to operate.
The creation of Wawa’s STR Licensing Program was a thorough and an inclusive process that involved multiple stages of extensive policy review and development. The initiative included a public consultation, inviting valuable input and perspectives on STRs from the residents and stakeholders. Several staff reports were presented to Council, ensuring that every aspect of the STR By-Law development was meticulously considered and aligned with the needs and values of the community.
The Short-Term Rental Accommodation Licensing Program was initiated by the Municipality of Wawa to address community concerns and to ensure all rentals operate safely in accordance with the Short-Term Rental By-Law 3704-24, the Ontario Fire Code, the Ontario Building Code and Municipal By-laws.
Contact Information for STR Licensing:
Kevin Sabourin, Chief Building Official
Municipality of Wawa
Email Kevin
705-856-2244 ext. 228
An online form can be filled out and emailed to Kevin Sabourin with all necessary application requirements, or you can print a paper copy to submit in person:
(A paper copy can also be picked up at the Municipal Office – 40 Broadway Avenue)
A copy of all the following documents must be included at time of application submission:
Application Form (Form A)
Application Fee
Signed Declaration Form by Owner
Proof of Ownership (Deed, Tax Bill or other acceptable documentation)
- All owner/applicant (and corporate information) completed in full.
Corporate Ownership (if the owner is a corporation)
- Certificate of Status or Corporate Profile Report (Provincial Corporation).
- Certificate of Compliance or Corporate Profile Report (Federal Corporation).
Proof of Identification
- A copy of photo identification must be provided.
Owner Authorization (Form B) (if the applicant is not the owner)
- Authorization for the applicant to apply on the owner’s behalf.
Floor Plans – each floor, including basements, must have the following:
- Accurate measurements and labeling of ALL rooms, hallways, common spaces, entrances/exits, windows, smoke/CO alarms, fire extinguishers.
- Licenced Occupancy will be based on number of guestrooms (bedrooms) shown on the floor plans with a maximum of 2 persons per guestroom (bedroom).
- NOTE: exception from the maximum occupancy of 2 persons per guestroom (bedroom) will be granted for children of the renter, under the age of 12, where the Municipality will permit no more than three (3) persons per guestroom (bedroom).
Site Plan, Parking & Storage Plan – must include the following:
- A drawing with measurements of all lot, structures, well, septic system, garages,
driveways and other parking areas on the property.
- Must depict the location of garbage/recycling storage.
Algoma Health Unit Inspection
- If the property is not connected to Municipal Water and Sewer services, a septic system inspection report must be included.
Insurance Declaration (Form C)
Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
STR is the acronym used to refer to Short-Term Rental Accommodation in the Municipality of Wawa. All persons who own, operate or offer a STR will need to be licensed to operate in the Municipality of Wawa, as per the Short-Term Rental Licensing By-law.
The Wawa Short-Term Rental (STR) By-law can be found here:
Yes, all short-term rental operators will require a license beginning April 16, 2024. The time frame your property is available does not impact your need for a license.
Yes, two inspections/sign-offs will take place before a licence is issued for your property. This includes a
- Building department inspection, and an
- Inspection by a Fire Prevention Officer to inspect smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, carbon monoxide alarms, fire extinguishers and that an escape plan is posted.
Applicant's will be advised of their need to obtain required inspections through the application process. Once advised it will be the applicant's responsibility to arrange these site visits with the respective departments.
The Chief Building Official of the Municipality of Wawa may at reasonable times during business hours inspect as much of any place or premises carrying on any business in respect of which a person has or is required to have a License.
When a re-inspection is required to confirm compliance with the provisions of this By-law or any other By-law, a fee in the amount set our in the Municipality’s User Fee By-law shall be charged.
Additionally, if you have a fire pit on your property, you are required to have it shown on the Site Plan. You must also complete a burn permit application and submit the applicable fee. The fire pit will also be inspected by Fire Services.
A valid Municipality of Wawa STR Licence and a Fire Escape Plan is posted for renters.
If you suspect a premises is being used as a Short-Term Rental without a Municipality of Wawa STR Licence, or if you feel the property is creating some sort of nuisance, please call 705-856-2244 ext. 228, or email Kevin Sabourin and provide any property details that you can. Details can include the municipal address, a link to the webpage you saw the property advertised, or any other information you believe will help Municipal Compliance Officers investigate your concern(s).
Owner Occupied - Annual Fee for One Year: |
$250.00 |
Unoccupied by Owner – Annual Fee for One Year: |
$350.00 |
Bed and Breakfast – Annual Fee for One Year: |
$250.00 |
Note: Annual license renewals are in the Wawa Schedule of Fees By-Law. The fee is subject to change and the schedule of fees by-law is the prevailing rate.
Note: you may apply for the STA licence at any time during the year, but the licence fee is not pro-rated. All licenses expire at the beginning of the next calendar year. If you choose to not act as a Provider, a licence is not required.
The Wawa Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STR) Licensing By-law was passed by Council on April 16, 2024 at a Regular Meeting of Council. Effective this date, all persons who own, operate or offer a STR within the Municipality of Wawa must obtain a license to operate.
A License that has been issued pursuant to the Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STR) Licensing By-law shall expire upon the earliest of one of the following events:
a) December 31st of the year issued;
b) Upon the sale or transfer of the Premises. For clarity, a License cannot be assigned or transferred to another Person; or
c) The License has been revoked in accordance with the provisions of this By-law.
Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this Bylaw, and every director of a corporation who concurs in such contravention by the corporation is guilty of an offence and on conviction liable to a fine not exceeding $25,000 for a first offence and $50,000 for any subsequent offence.
Where a corporation is convicted of an offence under this Bylaw, the maximum penalty is $50,000 for a first offence and $100,000 for any subsequent offence.
For this section, a separate violation shall be deemed to have been committed for each and every day during which such violation continues, and conviction in respect of a violation shall not operate as a bar to further prosecution if such violation continues.
The Court in which the conviction has been entered and any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted, and such order shall be in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted.
Pursuant to Section 447 of the Municipal Act, where an owner is convicted of knowingly carrying on or engaging in a business in respect of any premises or any part of any premises without a licence required by this By-law, or a person is convicted of any other contravention of this By-law and the court determines that the applicant, licensee, or owner of the premises or part of the premises in respect of which the conviction was made knew or ought to have known of the conduct which formed the subject-matter of the conviction or of any pattern of similar conduct, the court may order that the premises or part of the premises be closed to any use for a period not exceeding two (2) years.
Please note: In any situation where the By-law of the Municipality of Wawa differs from the text presented on this webpage, the By-law takes precedence.
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