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Municipality of Wawa Civic Awardachievement award

The Civic Achievement Award represents the expression of appreciation from Mayor and Council of the Municipality of Wawa to community groups, organizations and/or individuals for their exceptional services and/or contributions that have benefited the community in one or more of the following areas: business and entrepreneurs, arts and entertainment, health and education, volunteer and community service.

Who can I nominate? 
A person who is recognized as a leader whose activities have a positive impact within the community. The recipient’s achievement must be based on at least twelve (12) months of service.
How do I nominate someone?
Nominators must complete all questions on the required Nomination Form and it must be written as if they are introducing their nominee to Municipal Council. If a nomination form is incomplete or unsigned, the form may be disqualified, and the nomination rejected.
Where do I submit my nomination form?
Nominations may be hand delivered at the Municipal Office located at 40 Broadway Avenue, by mail at Municipality of Wawa, P.O. Box 500, Wawa, ON P0S 1K0 or electronically at 
When is the deadline to submit a nomination?
Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.
How many people can I nominate? 
Individuals or groups may submit only one nomination. 
Can someone nominate themselves? 
Yes, someone may nominate themselves.
How will Council review submissions?

Municipal Council may request additional information from nominees, nominators, and/or appropriate organizations.

The decision of Municipal Council will be final.

When choosing a recipient Municipal Council will take into consideration:

  • If the recipient initiated new programs or ideas within their organization and/or community.
  • If the recipient overcame unusual obstacles such as limited resources, negative public perception, etc.

Following the closure of nominations, Municipal Council will review all nominations submitted by the public, in a closed session meeting.

Nomination forms will not be returned.

Where will the award be presented?

The Award will be presented by the Mayor or designate during a Special Ceremony at the start of the Committee of the Whole meeting, to which the family and friends of the recipient will be invited to attend and which the event will be advertised on social media.

The Clerk’s office shall maintain an official record of award recipient, along with date of the award inscribed and a brief description of reasons for receiving the award.

How many Civic Awards will be awarded?

There will be one medal awarded each year.

Where will the Civic Award be showcased throughout the year?

The recipient’s name will be permanently engraved on a plaque located at the Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre. During the year, the recipient receiving the reward will have their photo and description of their contribution to the community placed in the centre of the Civic Achievement Award plaque.

How will the announcement of the winner be promoted?

The recipient of the Civic Achievement Award will be announced by Municipal Council and published in a press release locally when the Medal is officially presented in the Community.

The Mayor or designate of the Municipality of Wawa will present the Civic Achievement Award in the Council Chambers at the beginning of a Committee of the Whole meeting.

The awards ceremony will be open to the public to attend.

 Wawa Civic Award Nomination Form

Policy Number GG-005 – Civic Achievement Recognition Award 3