Roads, Boulevards Sidewalks
The Infrastructure department manages and maintains all municipal roads and sidewalks in all seasons. This includes:
- crack sealing
- ditch and culvert install and repairs
- dust control
- grading
- line painting
- pothole repair
- sign maintenance
- snow removal
- sweeping
Snow removal
During the winter months, this requires regular snow plowing, snow removal, and sanding of all roads, side walks and municipal parking lots.
Our infrastructure operations crews keep roads and sidewalks as clear as possible for the safety of drivers. pedestrians and emergency response vehicles during snowstorms. We are committed to providing snow removal service throughout the winter.
Winter parking
In accordance with Municipal traffic by-law No. 2513-11, no person shall park or stand a vehicle on any highways, parts of highways or sides in the Municipality of Wawa between the hours of 1 a.m. and 8 a.m. during the periods beginning October 15th to May 15th. Any parked vehicles in violation of Municipality of Wawa By-Law No. 2513-11 may be ticketed and towed at owners expense.
Big Lakes, Big Memories
Welcome to The Municipality of Wawa, One of Ontario's Premier Four Seasons Destinations.