Water and Sewer
The water supply system serves the community of Wawa, which includes the Michipicoten River village. Owned and operated by the Municipality of Wawa, it serves approximately 1,300 homes and businesses. The treatment plant has a rated capacity of 7,880 cubic meters a day.
Learn more about paying your water and sewer bill, due dates, and your water meters by reading more below.

Pay your Water Bill
Learn more about paying your water and sewer bill, due dates, and your water meters by reading more below.

Water bill due dates
See the community calendar for billing due dates.

Water Meters
The Municipality has recently started using water meters. More information on how to read them and checking for leaks is available.
Service connections
If you are applying for a new service, cancelling your service, or changing your mailing address there are instructions on what you need to do to ensure you don't miss a payment.
If you are applying for a new service, you need to fill out the application.
If you are cancelling your account due to the sale of your house, you or your lawyer need to fill out the final meter read form and return via email, mail or fax 705-856-2120. Changing your mailing address
You can change your mailing address for your account by completing the mailing address form and return via email, mail or fax, 705-856-2120.
Call before you dig
Before performing any digging in town, it is important to ensure that all utilities are properly located. Call Ontario One Call to locate all buried services such as water and sewer infrastructure, communication and electrical.
Big Lakes, Big Memories
Welcome to The Municipality of Wawa, One of Ontario's Premier Four Seasons Destinations.