Building and Renovating
Are you planning a construction project or doing some demolition? The Municipality of Wawa Building department can help you with your project, to ensure it will meet applicable laws and standards in accordance with the Ontario Building Code, and the Municipal zoning by-law. We review and issue permits as well as conduct inspections for:
- Accessory buildings (i.e. sheds, garages, shops)
- Additions and renovations
- Demolitions
- Driveway permits and variances
- Fence permits and variances
- Sign permits and variances
- Water Service connections
- Zoning and property usage requirements

A Building Permit is to govern and regulate the construction, demolition, change of use, permits and applications for building within the Municipality of Wawa in accordance with the Ontario Building Code Act.

A Plumbing Permit is to govern and regulate plumbing codes for buildings within the Municipality of Wawa in accordance with the Ontario Building Code Act.

The Municipality of Wawa offers a variety of different permits. For a complete list check out our list of applications or contact town hall.
Septic Systems
For more information on septic systems or permits, contact Algoma Public Health.
For more information on electrical work or permits, contact the Electrical Safety Authority.
Call before you dig
Before performing any digging in town, it is important to ensure that all utilities are properly located. Call Ontario One Call to locate all buried services such as water and sewer infrastructure, communication and electrical
Big Lakes, Big Memories
Welcome to The Municipality of Wawa, One of Ontario's Premier Four Seasons Destinations.