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PRESS RELEASE: October 21, 2024Downtown Logo

Announcing Available Downtown Wawa Community Improvement Plan
Financial Incentives Program

Downtown Picture

The Municipality of Wawa is excited to announce the launch of our Downtown Wawa Community Improvement Plan Financial Incentive Program. Five new grants are now available to help reach the goal of “Bringing Broadway Back to Beautiful”. The grants included within the program are intended to return the vibrant atmosphere, improve the appearance, attract new business, retain current business, while also attracting new residents, tourists, entrepreneurs and artists to Wawa’s downtown.

The five grants currently available include:
1) Residential/Office Rehabilitation and Conversion Grant
2) Activation Grant for Vacant Buildings
3) Building Façade & Signage Improvement Grant
4) Planning and Building Permit Fee Grant)
5) Tax Increment Equivalent Grant

Local business owners located in the Community Improvement Plan area (along Broadway Avenue) are now eligible to apply for these grants. Applicants may apply for individual grants or combine multiple grants for a single site or development to no more than $20,000 per property per funding round.

Before applying for any of the grants, applicants are required to have a pre-application consultation meeting with the Municipality to confirm application and eligibility requirements. Any funding decisions are subject to approval and municipal budget allocations by Municipal Council for the program.

QR Code for Downtown

For more information on the application process, please visit the municipal website (QR Code) to review the Downtown Wawa Financial Incentive Programs package, or stop by the Municipal Office to pick up a paper copy.

Interested? Contact Kristy Hansen, Economic Development Officer, at 705-856-2244 ext. 222 or